We would like to inform you that starting from March 17, 2012, OJSCB “Asia Alliance Bank” plans to transfer from the Bank’s current automated system NCI to a new system IABS. In the process of transition to the new system some inconvenience in the system’s work may occur, and therefore we apologize in advance for any inconvenience and if you experience any problems or errors, please contact Bank’s officer, who deals with your account, Head of Customer Service Department (228-69-26), Chief Accountant (228-69-10) or Head of Informational Technologies Department (228-69-49).
Also, the training on how to work with the new “Internet Banking” system will be conducted from 12th of March to 18th
of March 2012 at 17:00 p.m. in the building of OJSCB “Asia Alliance Bank” located at the address: Tarakkiyot street, 2-A (former administrative building of Tashselmash).
In addition, the customer support service system “Internet Banking” will be transferred to the new programmed complex. In this connection, we kindly ask you to get acquainted with the terms of operation and the user manual of the new system.
- Author: не указано
- Source: не указано
- Views: 555