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Money transfers

International money transfers can save your time and money. Within minutes, «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK» will help you to transfer your money to any point of the globe.

Basic requirements for using international money transfer services in our bank:
When you send:

  • The document proving your identity;
  • Name and surname of the recipient (sometimes bank may need more information about the recipient);
  • The country of the recipient.


Transfer your money only to the person whom you know.

Do not disclose information about the transfer to anybody except  the recipient.

 If you receive:

  • The document proving your identity;
  • Transfer control number;
  • Full name of the sender (it can be required additional information from sender); 
  • The country of the sender 
  • Amount of transfer.

In order to get more information and select the most suitable type of money transfer services, depending on the direction, amount and urgency of the transfer, as well as the  transfer fees, you can visit any branch of the bank and banking services centres and use international money transfers systems .

Also you can receive international money transfer without coming to the Bank branches by using Bank’s distance services and crediting the transfer amount into your plastic card in ASIA ALLIANCE BANK in foreign or national currency.

A short guide on crediting your transfers to the plastic card

If you received a money transfer via international money transfer systems KoronaPay or Western Union, you do not have to come to the bank to receive it! You can credit the money transfer received in US dollars to a plastic card opened with «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK».

By systems KoronaPay to a plastic card in foreign currency (US dollars) or national currency, at the request of the client.

Through the Western Union system, a transfer can only be credited to a card in a foreign currency.

To complete this process you need to:

- have a plastic card of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK JSCB in a national currency or in a foreign currency (in US dollars) for crediting a money transfer;

- have a connection to the Alliance Mobile application, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Play Market.

In order to credit the money transferred to you by means of Alliance application, you need to go to the section "Money transfers" and send information about the transfer to the bank.

To complete this process you need to:

- Select the desired money transfer system;

- Enter the sender's surname;

- Enter the sender's name;

- Enter the sender’s patronymic;

- Select from the list the transfer country;

- Enter the control number of the transfer;

- Enter the sender's phone (optional);

- Enter the exact amount of the transfer in US dollars;

- Choose from the list of credit cards at will, your credit card in foreign or national currency, to which you need to credit the money transfer;

- Select the "Refer to Processing to Bank" window and send a mobile message.

The mobile message will be sent to you by the money transfer operator in the "New" status. The operator on the basis of the data provided from you pays a money transfer from the money transfer system, you as a customer receive an SMS message about the replenishment of the account for the amount of the transfer, the mobile message in the Alliance application will become "Processed".

If the data provided by you about the money transfer is different from the information in the money transfer system, the operator does not transfer money from the system. You as a customer will receive a message about the refusal of the operation and the mobile message in the Alliance application will become "Refused" stating the reason.

Attention! The operator will be able to process the application only during the working period of the bank, reserved for customers’ service, except for the KoronaPay transfer.

The Alliance mobile application for the KoronaPay system works online, 24/7.

Contract – public offer for opening and maintenance of deposit call account for individuals in national/foreign currency Size: 192.76 KB
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List connected to the bank money transfer systems

Western Union Western Union

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to abroad through “Western Union” money transfer system

— to CIS countries *

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 200.0

3.00 $

200.01 — 2000.00

1,7% of the amount of money transferred

2000.01 — 3000.00

1,3% of the amount of money transferred

3000.01 and more

1,0% of the amount of money transferred

*CIS countries to this tariff are: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.

— to  Georgia

Amount of remittance


0.01 and more

1,0% of the amount of money transferred

— to  Turkey

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 200.00

2.00 $

200.01 and more

1% of the amount of money transferred

— to foreign countries**

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 50.00

13.00 $

50.01 — 100.00

15.00 $

100.01 — 200.00  

22.00 $

200.01 — 300.00  

29.00 $

300.01 — 400.00

34.00 $

400.01 — 500.00  

40.00 $

500.01 — 750.00 

45.00 $

750.01 — 1,000.00

51.00 $

1,000.01 — 1,500.00  

76.00 $

1,500.01 — 1,750.00

81.00 $

1,750.01 — 2.000.00  

91.00 $

2,000.01 — 2,500.00  

111.00 $

2,500.01 — 3.000.00  

121.00 $

**In the Tariff all foreign countries, except the CIS countries specified in the list, Europian countries specified in the list, Georgia, People's Republic of China, Turkey, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, the State of Israel, the USA and Canada treat foreign countries.

— For amounts over $ 3.000 in foreign countries in each subsequent interval of $ 500 for the transfer fee is added $20.

— to Europe ***

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 300.00

5.00 $

300.01 and more

1,5% of the amount of money transferred

*** European countries include Austria, Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Croatia, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to People’s Republic of China through “Western Union” money transfer system

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 100.00

15.00 $

100.01 — 300.00

20.00 $

300.01 — 500.00

25.00 $

500.01 — 800.00

30.00 $

800.01 — 1,000.00

35.00 $

1,000.01 — 1,500.00

40.00 $

1,500.01 — 2,000.00

45.00 $

2,000.01 and more

50.00 $

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to United Arab Emirates through “Western Union” money transfer system

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 100.00

10.00 $

100.01 — 300.00

18.00 $

300.01 — 500.00

20.00 $

500.01 — 800.00

25.00 $

800.01 — 1,000.00

30.00 $

1,000.01 — 1,500.00

35.00 $

1,500.01 — 2,000.00

40.00 $

2,000.01 — 3,000.00

45.00 $

3,000.01 and more

50.00 $

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to Japan, Malaysia, Israel through “Western Union” money transfer system

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 100.00

15.00 $

100.01 — 300.00

20.00 $

300.01 — 500.00

25.00 $

500.01 — 800.00

30.00 $

800.01 — 1,000.00

35.00 $

1,000.01 — 1,500.00

40.00 $

1,500.01 — 2,000.00

45.00 $

2,000.01 — 3,000.00

50.00 $

3,000.01 and more

60.00 $

— to South Korea

Amount of remittance


0.01 and more

9.00 $

— to the USA and Canada

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 400.00

6.00 $

400.01 and more

1,5% of the amount of money transferred

Tariff "12 hours" to CIS and Georgia ***

Amount of remittance


0.01 — 200.00

2.00 $

200.01 — 300.00

1% of the amount of money transferred

300.01 — 3,000.00

0,5% of the amount of money transferred

*** Payment for money transfer "12 hours" is possible after 12 hours from the time of departure.

The maximum sum of a money transfer for tariff "12 hours" cannot exceed $3000. The tariff "12 hours" is applied for transfer of money from Uzbekistan to CIS and Georgia countries.

CIS countries to this tariff are: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine.

 The tariff "12 hours" does not extend for transfers from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan.

Tariff for sending money transfers via the Western Union system for crediting to the recipient's bank account

«Cash to account»

Amount of remittance


0,01 — 2000,00

10,00 $

2.000,01 — 5.000,00

20,00 $

5.000,01 and more

30.00 $

Transfers to the recipient's bank account can be sent to more than 80 countries around the world and the geography is constantly expanding. The possibility of sending to a specific country must be clarified in the Western Union system software.

MoneyGram MoneyGram

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to abroad through "MoneyGram" money transfer system


Amount of remittance                        


0,01 – 200,00


200,01 – 400,00


400,01 – 600,00


600,01 – 800,00


800,01 – 1000,00


1000,01 – 2000,00


2000,01 – 3000,00


3000,01 – 4000,00


4000,01 – 5000,00


5000,00 - 10 000,00


To foreign countries

Amount of remittance                        


0,01 – 50,00


50,01 – 100,00


100,01 – 200,00


200,01 – 300,00


300,01 – 400,00


400,01 – 1000,00


1000,01 – 1200,00


1200,01 – 1500,00


1500,01 – 1750,00


1750,01 – 2000,00


2000,01 – 10 000,00


Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

Amount of remittance                        


0,01 – 200,00


200,01 – 400,00


400,01 – 600,00


600,01 – 800,00


800,01 – 1000,00


1000,01 – 2000,00


2000,01 – 4000,00


4000,01 – 5000,00


5000,01 – 10 000,00


China, France, Germany, India, Italy, South Korea, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Czech Republic

Amount of remittance                        


0,01 – 100,00


100,01 – 300,00


300,01 – 600,00


600,01 – 1000,00


1000,01 – 1500,00


1500,01 – 2000,00


2000,01 – 3000,00


3000,01 – 10 000,00


KoronaPay KoronaPay

Tariff for remitting money (in USD) to abroad through “KoronaPay” money transfer system

Transfers in the country


Russia (transfer with conversion)


Sending  transfer with conversion


Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Vietnam, Moldova, Israel, Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Georgia, Belarus, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan


Republic of Korea





for amounts up to $500 -  $5

for amounts over $500 - 1%

to China on ALIPAY


AsiaExpress AsiaExpress

Tariff for remitting money (in USD and Euro) to abroad through “Asia Express” money transfer system   

Amount of transfer


Country presence system

Asia - Express

not less than 1 USD / Euro

Uzbekistan, Russia (Moscow)    


not less than 1 USD / Euro

Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan



Azerbaijan, Georgia

List of money transfer offices of "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" Size: 72.69 KB
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