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Modular loans

JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” offers the following modular loans to small business and private businesses.

·         ALLIANCE AUTO – for small businesses (private entrepreneurs, LLC, joint ventures, etc.);
-         Purpose of the loan – to purchase a car (new) on the primary market for official use (no more than 3 units);
-         Loan term  – up to 48 months;
-         Preferential period – up to 6 months;
-         An initial fee – in amount not less than 30 percent of the cost of vehicle;
-       Collateral – vehicles purchased using loan funds are accepted as collateral in an amount not exceeding 70% of the contract value; for an insufficient part of the collateral, an insurance policy from an insurance company against the risk of loan non-repayment is accepted, the insurance conditions of which are acceptable to the bank.

  ·        STANDART TRANSPORT – for small entities (individual entrepreneurs, family entrepreneurship, etc.);
-          Purpose of the loan – to purchase a car (new) on the primary market for official use (no more than 3 units);
-          Loan term – up to 48 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 6 months;
-          An initial fee – in amount not less than 30 percent of the cost of vehicle;
-         Collateral – motor vehicles purchased at the expense of credit funds are accepted as collateral in an amount not exceeding 70% of the contract value, an insurance policy of the insurance company against the risk of non-repayment of the loan is accepted, the terms of insurance for the missing part of the collateral of which are acceptable to the bank.

  ·      MIKRO – QARZ - the period of activity is not less than three months, for business entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity (enterprises and organizations with the status of a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs, etc.);
-          Purpose of the loan – replenishment of working capital;
-          Loan term – up to 12 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 9 months;
-          Loan amount–up to 300 000 000,00 (three hundred million) sums;
-          Collateral – the insurance policy of the insurance company, the terms of which are acceptable for the bank, the risk of non-return of the loan.

  ·        ODDIY – individual entrepreneurs (private entrepreneurs) engaged in entrepreneurial activities, whose period of activity is not less than 6 (six) months, are constantly operating and have regular cash receipts;
-          Purpose of the loan – to replenish working capital in order to expand and develop entrepreneurial activity;
-          Loan term – up to 24 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 6 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 300 000 000,0 (three hundred millions) of sums; 
-          Collateral – the insurance policy of the insurance company, the terms of which are acceptable for the bank, the risk of non-return of the loan.

  ·        TEZKOR – for economic entities with the status of a legal entity, the operating period is not less than 3 months;
-          Purpose of the loan – to replenish working capital in order to expand and develop entrepreneurial activity;
-          Loan term – up to 24 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 6 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 500 000 000,0 (five hundred millions) of sums; 
-          Collateral – the insurance policy of the insurance company, the terms of which are acceptable for the bank, the risk of non-return of the loan.

  ·         KORPORATIV– business entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity whose period of activity is not less than 3 (three) months;
-         Purpose of the loan –according to the current rules, to increase the working capital of business entities (enterprises and organizations with the status of a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs) in order to cover the costs associated with the activities of the enterprise and the payments of which can be made from a corporate card.
-          Loan term – up to 12 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 8 months depending on the type and term of the loan;
-          Loan amount – up to 300 000 000,0 (three hundred millions) of sums; 
-          Collateral– the insurance policy of the insurance company, the terms of which are acceptable for the bank, the risk of non-return of the loan.

  ·         OPTIMAL KRЕDIT – business entities engaged in entrepreneurial activity whose period of activity is not less than 3 (three) months;
-          Purpose of the loan – to replenish working capital in order to expand and develop entrepreneurial activity (for the purchase of goods, raw materials and materials, buildings and structures, equipment, etc. in wholesale and retail trade, production, service and other areas of activity, for the implementation of construction and reconstruction work and other projects);
-          Loan term – up to 36 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 9 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 5 000 000 000,0 (five billions) of sums; 
-         Collateral– types of provision provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the bank “The procedure for selecting and acceptingthe type of provision on credit and equivalent practices”.

  ·         STANDART – individual entrepreneurs engaged in entrepreneurial activities, the period of which is not less than three months (private entrepreneurs, family entrepreneurs, etc.);
-          Purpose of the loan – to replenish working capital in order to expand and develop entrepreneurial activity (for the purchase of goods, raw materials and materials, buildings and structures, equipment, etc. in wholesale and retail trade, production, service and other areas of activity, for the implementation of construction and reconstruction work and other projects);
-          Loan term – up to 36 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 9 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 1 000 000 000,0 (one billion) of sums; 
-         Collateral– types of provision provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the bank “The procedure for selecting and acceptingthe type of provision on credit and equivalent practices”.

  ·         QISHLOQ XOJALIGIGA KO’MAK – Business entities (enterprises and organizations with the status of legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs) engaged in or wishing to engage in entrepreneurial activities in the field of agriculture (fruit and vegetable growing, horticulture, animal husbandry, fishing, sericulture, poultry farming, etc.);
-         Purpose of the loan – To replenish working capital in order to expand and develop entrepreneurial activities related to agricultural activities (cultivation, production, processing of agricultural products, maintenance of the industry, purchase of buildings and structures, equipment and equipment related to the industry, etc., Creation or reconstruction of fruit and vegetable gardens, etc.) for the implementation of projects;
-          Loan term – up to 36 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 6 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 3 000 000 000,0 (three billions) of sums; 
Collateral– types of provision provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the bank “The procedure for selecting and acceptingthe type of provision on credit and equivalent practices”.

  ·        NAQD-KAPITAL – Business entities and individual entrepreneurs who have the status of legal entities in their activities, who need cash and have the right to carry out monetary practice;
-          Purpose of the loan – to purchase agricultural and food products that can be purchased at markets and from the population for cash, organize trade in imported and local non-food consumer goods and household goods, organize and develop family entrepreneurship, horticulture, agriculture and crafts, organize and develop small-scale livestock and poultry activities to replenish working capital;
-          Loan term – up to 24 months;
-          Preferential period – up to 3 months;
-          Loan amount – up to 3 000 000 000,0 (three billions) of sums; 
Collateral– types of provision provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the bank “The procedure for selecting and acceptingthe type of provision on credit and equivalent practices”. 

         BIZNESGA BIRINCHI QADAM  - citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who have reached the age of 18, registered with the state tax service as self-employed persons, paying social tax and having no official income;

-         The purpose of the loan is a microloan for organizing and developing a business;

-         Loan term – up to 12 months;

-         Grace period – up to 1 month;

-         Loan amount – up to 5,000,000.00 (five million) soums;

-         Credit collateral – an insurance company’s policy against the risk of loan non-repayment, the insurance conditions of which are acceptable to the bank.


        YANGI TADBIRKOR - intended for financing individual (private) entrepreneurs who have been carrying out business activities for at least three months, are permanently operating and have regular cash receipts;

- The purpose of the loan is to create new and additional new jobs, to expand and develop business activities not prohibited by law;
- The number of new jobs created is from 3 to 5 people;
 - Loan term – up to 24 months;
- Grace period – up to 6 months;
- Interest rate on the loan:
- Loan term up to 12 months – 24,00% in national currency, - 12,00% in foreign currency;
- Loan term up to 18 months – 26,00% in national currency, - 14,00% in foreign currency;
- Loan term up to 24 months – 27,99% in national currency, - 16,00% in foreign currency;
- Loan amount – up to 300 000 000,0 (three hundred million) sum equivalent;
- Loan collateral – Insurance policy against the risk of loan non-repayment, on terms acceptable to the Bank;
- Other conditions and documents - according to the Loan Passport.

         BANDLIKKA KO'MAK – intended for financing business entities that have the status of a legal entity, carrying out or wishing to carry out entrepreneurial activities;
- The purpose of the loan is to create new and additional new jobs, to expand and develop business activities (purchase and acquisition of goods, raw materials and materials, buildings and structures, vehicles and special equipment, as well as for the purchase of agricultural machinery, equipment and consumables and for the implementation of construction, reconstruction work and other projects). Financing is provided for any type of activity not prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Loan term – up to 36 months;
- Grace period – up to 9 months;
- Interest rate on the loan:
- When creating from 5 to 10 new jobs – 26,00% in national currency, - 13,00% in foreign currency;
- When creating more than 10 new jobs – 24,00% in national currency, - 12,00% in foreign currency;
- Loan amount – up to 1 000 000 000, 0 (one billion) sum equivalent;
- Loan collateral – all types of collateral provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the Bank, in accordance with the Procedure for selecting and accepting collateral for loans and equivalent operations in the ASIA ALLIANCE BANK system.
- Other conditions and documents - according to the Loan Passport.

  The borrower provides the following documents to the Commercial Bank of the service of obtaining a loan:

-         Application form (information on the purpose, amount, duration of the loan requested in the application, as well as provision in the amount of 125 percent in relation to the loan amount should be clearly indicated, the application should be approved by signature of the head and the seal of the organization);
-         Copies of the Constituent documents of the borrower and certificates of state registration.
-         Documents confirming the right to sign a loan agreement on behalf of the borrower;
-         Business plan and calculations with the forecast of cash receipts (cash flows) arising from the bank account of the borrower during the financing period of the project;
-         Prepared financial statements of the borrower for the specified reporting period (accounting balance sheet 1 form) and report on financial results (form 2);
-         Documents on collateral (credit provision)
-         Consent of the client to obtain a formalized loan in accordance with the procedure established by applicable legislation;  
-         Additional documentation and information may be requested due to project features.

Guarantee agreement
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