The Bank has a full-scale corporate governance structure consisting of:
1. Management bodies of the Bank
General Meeting of Shareholders – the highest management body of the Bank.
Supervisory Board – implements general management of the Bank activity with the exception of matters referred by legislation and the Bank’s Charter to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders. There are two comities under the Supervisory Board:
- Audit committee. Functions of the committee are as follows: present candidates of independent auditors for the Supervisory Board consideration; serve as contact person for link with independent auditors; receive and consider reports of auditor inspections; report to the Supervisory Board information received for auditors.
- Committee for risks supervision. Functions of the committee are as follows: surveillance over risks influence on the Bank financial position including credit, foreign currency, interests, market, operation and other risks arising from the Bank activity; record and taking measures on prevention of such risks by the Bank.
Management Board – manages the Bank’s current activity, shall not take decision on matters referred to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders and the Supervisory Board.
2. Bodies of internal control:
Internal control department – implements functions of internal audit on control and estimation of activity of the Management Board and its organization departments by inspections and monitoring of compliance of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, constituent and internal documents, provision of completeness and reliability of accountings and financial reports, rules and procedures of implementation of economic operations, preservation of assets, as well as introduction of corporate governance principles .
Corporate consultant – implements control over compliance of corporate governance legislation in the Bank.
- Mustafaev Otabek Sadikovich – Director of “FINANEX” LLC;
- Gurko Alexander Olegovich – Chairman of the Board of NCP “GLONASS”;
- Mkrtchyan Ornella-Afina – Director of Gor Investment Limited;
- Abdukakhorov Ikram Abdukhalikovich – “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” ATB Kuzatuv kengashi a’zosi;
- Thons Carsten Bodo – Financial Consultant.
Remuneration of members of the Supervisory Board:
In accordance with clause 6.7 of Regulation “On the Supervisory Board of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” by resolution of General Meeting of Shareholders the members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank may be remunerated with a fee during their term of office. Resolution on payment of remunerations to the members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank may be adopted in case of satisfactory assessment of corporate management system confirmed by an independent organization and positive financial performance of the Bank.
At the same time decision on payment of remuneration to members of the Supervisory Board has not been made by the General Meeting of Shareholders.Alixanov O’ktam Xakimovich
Place of employment and position |
Head of Department of internal control of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” |
Year of birth |
1973 |
Place of birth |
Uzbekistan |
Education |
Higher education, graduated in 1995 Tashkent Institute of Finance; Graduated in 2000 Bank-Finance academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Profession |
Finance and credit; Banking |
Record of service |
Since 1995 |
Standing on current position |
Since 2011 |
Umarov Rustam Farmonovich
Place of employment and position |
Head of Department of adequacy of system of accounting and operational control of Department of internal control of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” |
Year of birth |
1973 |
Place of birth |
Uzbekistan |
Education |
Higher education, graduated in 1997 Tashkent Institute of Finance; Graduated in 2000 Bank-Finance academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (master) |
Profession |
Accounting, control and analysis economic activity; Banking |
Record of service |
Since 1987 |
Standing on current position |
Since 2012 |
Baygildin Ildar Gumerovich
Place of employment and position |
Head of Department of audit of financial statements and bank operations of Department of internal control of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” |
Year of birth |
1956 |
Place of birth |
Uzbekistan |
Education |
Higher education, graduated in 1997 Tashkent institute of railway transport engineers |
Profession |
Accounting |
Record of service |
Since 1977 |
Standing on current position |
Since 2011 |
Remuneration of Chairman and members of the Management Board:
Remuneration of Chairman and members of the Management Board including rewards and compensations is implemented in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and collective agreement. Chairman and members of the Management Board are not paid additional remunerations for membership in collegial management bodies of the Bank.