To date, Uzbekistan creates favorable conditions for the development of innovative activities aimed at resource saving and radical renewal of the production and technological base of the country. In recent years, a number of resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at reforming and modernizing the energy sector in order to improve energy efficiency and energy saving have been adopted. The most important priority of socio-economic development of the industry in the short term is to continue reforming the energy sector of the republic, further development and modernization of energy enterprises on the basis of new technologies, equipment, as well as optimal schemes of transmission and distribution of electricity.
Following the priorities of the state policy, as well as to assess energy efficiency and energy consumption, JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" has passed the energy survey (energy audit) of the Bank's buildings. The survey was conducted by “SKB” LLC, having many years of successful experience in this field.
Based on the results of the energy audit, data on energy consumption were collected and analyzed. In addition, the fuel and energy balance was formed, instrumental surveys on the efficiency of boilers and lighting systems were carried out. A normative (basic) line on energy consumption for monitoring and control of energy consumption was developed, a category of energy efficiency of the Bank was determined, an energy passport, as well as a list of measures to improve energy efficiency were developed.
It is noteworthy that in the course of the energy audit, the effective use of the program, developed taking into account the requirements of best practices and the legislative framework of our republic, to simulate the energy consumption of the Bank's buildings was noted.
It should be noted that in the world practice for the marking of buildings in energy efficiency certificates the comparative classification from A to G is adopted. In most cases, efficiency class "D" as the base level, which corresponds to "normal" assessment and confirms the basic compliance with regulatory requirements. Classes "A" (for a number of countries A+, A++) B and C indicate a higher rating of energy efficiency. Classes E, F and G are established for buildings to indicate their degree of non-compliance with modern requirements.
Given the above, according to the results of the energy audit, the buildings of the JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" were assigned with a high class of energy efficiency at the "B" level. Regarding the level of energy consumption of European countries, the current level of energy consumption of the buildings of JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" is higher, which indicates the presence of potential to improve energy efficiency and implementation of appropriate measures.
In this regard, JSCB "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK" plans to implement a set of measures to improve the energy efficiency of its own buildings, including measures to introduce a system for monitoring energy consumption, carrying out calculations of savings and payback periods. In addition, organizational measures are planned, which in turn will be aimed at providing information to the heads of services with the relevant information on the main directions of the state energy saving policy. Also for these purposes the means of visual agitation will be placed on information stands in areas with high traffic of employees, and wide involvement of the banking community will be carried out in this process, through conferences and round tables.
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 3253