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Deposit certificates

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-1438 dated 26.11.2010 about Priority Directions of Further Reforming and Raising the Sustainability of Financial and Banking System of the Republic in 2011-2015 and Achieving High International Rating Indicators, as well as for the purpose of expansion of new kinds of provided services, the Bank issued deposit certificates for legal entities for a total amount of 100 billion Soums registered by the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan under No. DS-43-0206 dated 09.02.2015.

You can see the conditions of issuance and circulation of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK deposit certificates, typical specimens of contracts in the web site or if you visit the offices our Bank at the following addresses:

  • Head office of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 2a Makhtumkuli Street, Tashkent, Phone: 71 231-60-32
  • Shayhantaur Branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 31 Navoi Avenue, Tashkent, Phone: +99871 231-60-00
  • Mirzo-Ulugbek Branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 1 Ziyolilar Street, Mirzo-Ulugbek District, Tashkent, Phone: +99871 262-32-79
  • Olmazar Branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 13B Shimoliy Olmazor Street, Olmazor District, Tashkent, Phone: +99871 230-42-01
  • Mirabad Branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 29 Nukus street, Mirabad District, Tashkent, Phone: +99871 299-51-82
  • Karshi Branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: Crossing of Uzbekistan Street and Juraev Street, Karshi. Phone: (8-375) 225-19-91
  • Bukhara branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: 195A B. Nakshbandi street, Bukhara. Phone: (8-365) 223-04-08
  • Samarkand branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK: Kamol Otaturk street, Samarkand. Phone: (8-366) 231-00-33, 231-18-30
Conditions on issuance and placement of deposit certificates of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK - the 6th emission Size: 809.83 KB
Format: pdf

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