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  • Update: 20 February 2025, 15:28

Financing of small business and private entrepreneurship

For small businesses and private enterprises ASIA ALLIANCE BANK offers the following loans.

Taking into account the self-repayment of the credited event, loans are issued for the following periods:

  • For the organization of trade, intermediation and provision of services, production, cultivation of agricultural products and for the formation and replenishment of working capital of enterprises operating in other areas of the industry - up to 24 months;
  • In order to finance investment projects for the purpose of construction, acquisition, reconstruction, procurement of machinery, technology, equipment and devices, transport equipment and others, technical and technological renovation, organization and development of agricultural-related activities for projects in the field of production, services and other areas- up to 36 months. According to the features of the project as well as the self-repayment terms of the project, the loan period can be set for a longer period.

The amount of the loan is determined based on the needs of the debtor.

In investment projects, participation of the Borrower's own funds in the project must be at least 25%.

Loans are issued for the following purposes:

  • The loans for replenishment of working capital are provided for the purchase of raw materials, the purchase of materials and components, payment for services and work completed replenishment of inventory, expansion of the assortment, seasonal purchases, business expansion, etc.
  • Loans for investment projects are provided for the purchase of equipment for various purposes, light and freight vehicles, special equipment for various purposes, real estate, other fixed assets used in business, etc.

Interest rate is set based on risks, sources of financing and other factors for the implementation of projects;

Collateral - liquid collateral satisfying the Bank (real estate, equipment, vehicles, deposits, deposits, etc.) in the amount of at least 125% of the loan amount.

The borrower provides the following documents to the Commercial Bank of the service of obtaining a loan:

- Application form (information on the purpose, amount, duration of the loan requested in the application, as well as provision in the amount of 125 percent in relation to the loan amount should be clearly indicated, the application should be approved by signature of the head and the seal of the organization);

- Consent of the client to obtain a formalized loan in accordance with the procedure established by applicable legislation;

- Business plan and calculations with the forecast of cash receipts (cash flows) arising from the bank account of the borrower during the financing period of the project;

- Prepared financial statements of the borrower for the specified reporting period (accounting balance sheet 1 form) and report on financial results (form 2);

- Documents on collateral (credit provision).

Loans for the implementation of projects related to the introduction of renewable energy sources and technologies of the "Yashil iqtisodiyot".

- Type of loan - without opening credit line;

- Purpose of the loan - for the implementation of its projects related to the uninterrupted supply of electricity to the economy, the introduction of renewable energy sources and technologies of the “Yashil iqtisodiyot”;

- Loan recipients - enterprises and organizations with the status of a legal entity and individual entrepreneurs;

- Credit currency - Sum;

- Loan amount - the amount of the loan is determined based on the needs of the debtor;

- Interest rate - the main rate of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan + 7%;

- Loan term - 60 months or more;

- Privileged period - up to 6 months;

- Loan provision - types of provision provided for by law in accordance with the requirements of the procedure for choosing and accepting bets on loans and equivalent operations in the “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” JSCB system;

- Requirements for the borrower - documents provided for by “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” JSCB in accordance with the “Requirements of the regulation on the lending of economic entities” and in other regulatory documents.

Additional documentation and information may be requested due to project features.

Surety Agreement
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