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  • Update: 20 February 2025, 15:28

Information disclosure

Information disclosure by the Bank in securities market is implemented in compliance with requirements of the legislation, the charter and the information policy of the Bank which is aimed at full satisfaction of information demand of shareholders and other interested parties in obtaining timely and reliable information about the Bank, which is essential in making weighted investment and management decisions as well as provision of possibility of free and easy access to this information.

Information policy of the Bank shall be based on following principles:

Principle of Equality.

The Bank shall ensure equal rights and possibilities for obtaining information for all shareholders of the Bank and other concerned entities.

Principle of Regularity.

On permanent basis, the Bank shall disclose information on most important events and facts in activity of the Bank which affects interests of shareholders of the Bank and other concerned persons using information means available to the Bank.

Principle of Operability.

The Bank shall ensure disclosure of information on own activity in utmost short periods in order to prevent diminishing actuality of disclosed information.

Principle of Completeness.

The Bank shall provide information sufficient for formation of objective and most complete representation from shareholders of the Bank and other concerned persons about matter of interest for them.

Principle of Reliability.

The Bank shall provide information corresponding to reality to own shareholders and other concerned personas well as shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that disseminated information was not intentionally distorted or was not erroneous.

Principle of Consistency.

The Bank shall ensure conformance and consistency of information disclosed by the Bank in various ways and/or in various forms.

Principle of Impartiality.

The Bank shall not avoid from disclosure of negative information on itself and own activity which is substantial for shareholders of the Bank and other concerned entities.

Principle of Availability.

The Bank shall use such methods of dissemination of information which ensure its free, easily done and cost effective access to disclosed information for shareholders and other concerned entities.

Principle of Balance.

In implementation of information policy, the Bank strives to achieve reasonable balance between information openness, on the one hand, and protection of its commercial interests, on the other hand.

Principle of Neutrality.

In disclosing information, the Bank shall not allow preferential satisfaction of interests of one auditorium than the other.

Principle of Protectability.

The Bank shall apply information methods and protection means permissible by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan which is confidential and represents office and commercial secrecy. The Bank shall carry out control over proper usage of insider information.

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