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Personal cabinet

Personal cabinet

Personal account is a service through which a Bank client, individual or legal entity, can control the status of his account via the Internet.

To enter your personal account, you must enter your login, client password and SMS password in the appropriate entry fields.

For individuals, the login is the series and passport number (AA1234567; AD1234567)

For a legal entity, the login is the number provided to it by the NIBBD - the client code.

When logging into your Personal Account for the first time, you should contact the service branch to receive the Client Password, after which the client’s permanent password will be sent to your phone number in the form of an SMS message. Next, enter the client’s login and password in the appropriate fields and click the “Get password” button. An SMS message will be sent to your mobile phone with a set of characters that must be entered in the “SMS Password” line. Next, click the “Login” button.

The site contains the following menu items:

  • Home;
  • Deposits;
  • Loans;
  • Plastic cards;
  • Interactive services;
  • Reports;
  • Costing;
  • Exit.

After entering the system the "Home" menu item opens. Here you can view your personal data (name, surname, patronymic and address), as well as account data (branch code, in which it is opened, settlement account, account balance).

If a deposit account is opened in savings deposits, in the "Deposits" item the following information is displayed:

  • Deposit name;
  • Deposit date;
  • Interest rate;
  • Deposit balance;
  • Accrued interest on deposit;
  • Paid interest on deposit.

If there is a bank loan, the following information is displayed in the item "Lending":

  • Loan type;
  • Currency code;
  • Contract amount;
  • Starting date of the contract;
  • Closing date of the contract;
  • Amount of term and overdue debts;
  • Accrued interest on the loan.

The menu item "Plastic cards" displays information on plastic cards opened in the bank. Passing by the names of plastic cards existing in Uzbekistan, you can get detailed information about transactions with them.

In this section you can get information on national plastic cards Uzcard, HUMO, as well as international VISA cards, namely:

  • Currency code of one’s account;
  • Card number;
  • Account;
  • Your plastic card balance;
  • Dates of operations with it;
  • Type of operation;
  • Kind of operation;
  • Transaction amount;
  • Card blocking.

In the “Interactive Services” section you can find:


• Our branches, addresses and phone numbers of branches

• Deposits

• Forms

• Location of information kiosks and ATMs


In the "Reports" section:


• Movement of credit accounts

• Loan repayment schedule



In the “Calculation” section it is possible to make an approximate calculation of the loan and deposit:


• Mortgage

• Consumer loan

• Deposits

Keeping account in the "Personal cabinet" system for individuals and legal entities is Free.

Manual on Personal Cabinet
Size: 1.37 MB
Format: pdf

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