As a result of ping-pong tournament, which was successfully held earlier among staff of the JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”, the Youth Union of the JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” decided to elevate a level of competition by organizing an interbank ping-pong tournament, which will involve young employees of Uzbekistan’s banks, leading to increase interrelation among banks, active sports competition as well as uplifting of morale of young employees.
The interbank ping-pong tournament among youth was held by initiative of the Youth Union of the JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” on December 2nd, 2017 in the sport complex of the Tashkent Financial Institute. The tournament involved 23 banks, each bank was presented by 3 players. The competition was conducted in team total and banks were divided into 4 groups. The competition was tight especially in “knock out” stage, where only the best teams were competing for the first place. As a result of the competition the prize-winners are:
1st place - JSC “KDB Bank Uzbekistan”;
2nd place – JSCB "Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank";
3rd place – PJSCB “Orient Finans Bank”.
Moreover, some banks were rewarded by honorary diplomas for active participation. Management and the Youth Union of JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” congratulate all prize-winners and participants of the tournament.- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
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