An exchange office has been opened in the Almazar district in Tashkent in the Mini Bank “Tansikboev”.
The following operations are carried out in the currency exchange office:
- purchase of cash and foreign currency of individuals on an international plastic card for national cash;
- sale of foreign currency to non-resident individuals;
- acceptance of foreign currency from individuals for collection;
- admission for examination from individuals of foreign currency the authenticity of which is in doubt ;
- exchange of foreign currency of individuals for the same foreign currency;
- exchange of the damaged foreign currency of individuals with the intact foreign currency of the same type;
- conversion of one foreign currency to an another.
Mini Bank is located by an address: Array Karakamysh 2/4, house 1.
Operating mode: from 9:00 to 17:00
Lunch: 13:00 to 14:00
Working days: monday - friday
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 951
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