JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK” successfully realized deal jointly with insurance company “KazakhExport” and subsidiary bank JSC “Alpha Bank” for the total amount of 1,5 mln. USD.
Main objectives of the bank foreign economic activity is borrowing from the world financial institutes for funding Uzbekistan economy branches, the most complete satisfaction of the requests of their clients, effective participation in the work of authoritative international financial organizations.
Within the framework of agreement, “KazakhExport” provided insurance coverage under the letter of credit issued by JSCB “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”. Subsidiary bank JSC “Alpha Bank” (Kazakhstan) acted as the confirming and financing bank for this letter of credit.
Export insurance company “KazakhExport” is a state export insurance agency whose main activity is to support the export and sale of insurance instruments to protect export operations of Kazakhstan.
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 1419