Due to the increasing incidence of fraud in particular, with the advent of internet resources offering services for transferring funds from one card to another, we strongly recommend that you do not give any information (codes from SMS, name, surname, card number, expiration date, PIN codes, etc.) and do not perform any actions offered by scammers.
Remember: PIN is the key to your money. And your plastic card is only yours. Consult only with the bank and do not resort to the help or advice of third persons in carrying out transactions.
Attackers use new psychological methods of manipulation: psychological pressure and misleading with attempts to convince the client to confirm the fraudulent operation with a one-time code. In fraudulent schemes, they began to act on behalf of the Central Bank and payment systems Click, Payme, etc.
Remember that one of the key attackers tricks is to rush, which pushes a person to quick actions and wrong decisions not to “lose money”. Be careful!
Considering the offers of banks to place money on deposit, any person has such questions as “How will my money be protected?”
At the same time, it is important to know that the state has created a deposit guarantee system that ensures the return of money to citizens in the event of certain situations. This system guarantees a 100% return of the deposit, regardless of the size and currency (guarantees of return of deposits in full were introduced by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to ensure the protection of deposits of citizens in commercial banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan” dated November 28, 2008 number of Presidential Decree 4057).
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 396