Now it is possible to credit/debit money transfers to the client's credit cards, opened in the ASIA ALLIANCE BANK system. When the client receives information that he has received a transfer via money transfer systems like Contact, Golden Grown, AsiaExpress, Unistream, now it is not necessary to come to the bank branches to receive it! For holders of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK JSCB credit cards, there is a new service available using the mobile application MyAlliance, namely:
1) Crediting/debiting of a money transfer in foreign currency to an international VISA card (in US dollars);
2) Crediting/debiting of a money transfer (at the request of the client) to a plastic card in national currency at the bank's exchange rate.
To get access to this service, you can download the mobile application MyAlliance in the AppStore or PlayMarket. Then you need to go to the section "Money transfers", fill in all the requested information regarding the transfer, and in the list of plastic cards opened in ASIA ALLIANCE BANK in the client's name, choose the one to which you want to credit the transfer amount.
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 1458