February 4, 2017 in the Uzbekistan Banking Association there was held a ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition on attracting deposits among commercial banks of Uzbekistan in 2016.
According to the results of the competition Shayhontohur branch of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK took the third place in the nomination “The Best Branch of the Year on attracting deposits in cities".
The contest was held among 27 commercial banks with their 855 branches and more than 4,299 mini-banks and special cash desks.
Announcement and awarding of the winners of the contest took place in a festive atmosphere with the participation of the members of the Committee on Budget and Economic Reforms of the Senate of the Parliament, the Central Bank, the Association of Banks, the Fund for Guaranteeing citizens' deposits in banks, and commercial banks.
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 2229