- •commercial organizations
- •non-profit organizations
- •individual entrepreneurs who hired workers
- •no bank commission when transferring funds from a client’s account to a transit account
- •provision of services regardless of number of employees
- •sending a statement through the online service Internet Banking
- •instant crediting of funds to employee’s card and free servicing of the card account
- •Confidentiality of payroll on employee cards
- •issuing cards and reissuing them after expiration is free of charge
- •possibility of obtaining an Overdraft loan on favorable terms
- •cash withdrawal fee from our cards at ATMs of "JSCB "Asia Alliance Bank" is 1%
- •P2P transfers between HUMO cards in the Alliance mobile application is free
•1. Contact a bank office to conclude an agreement and/or provide a completed application form.
•2. Provide applications for opening bank cards, and copies of passports/employee ID cards.
- •3. Submit an application for installation and configuration of the online service Internet Banking.
- Deposits
- Car loan (primary market)
- Car loan (secondary market)
- Car loan «ROODELL»
- Car loan «UzAuto-50»
- Car loan «UzAuto - Cobalt»
- Car loan KIA «Sonet»
- Car loan «CHINA AVTO PLUS»
- Mortgage loan
- Mortgage loan «New house»
- Mortgage loan «New house - hybrid»
- Consumer credit
- Consumer credit «Alternative energy»
- Consumer credit «Yuksalish»
- «Polis» Microloan
- «Collateral» Microloan
- «Mahalla prosperity» Microloan
- «Ishonch» Microloan
- Overdraft
- Credit card
- Money transfers
- Payments
- Alliance mobile app
- Deposit boxes
- Foreign exchange operations
- Offices and ATMs
- Memo for non-resident clients
- Deposits
- Foreign currency operations
- Financing of small business and private entrepreneurship
- Modular loans
- Supply chain finance - factoring
- Project financing
- Foreign credit lines
- Guarantees and warranties
- Leasing
- SMS Banking
- Mobile banking Alliance
- Deposit certificates
- Memo for non-resident clients
- Tariff plans for individual entrepreneurs
- Tariff "Optimal plus"
- Tariff "Innovation"
- Tariff "Representation"
- Payments and cash services (PCS)
- Credit operations (including leasing, guarantees)
- Servicing corporate clients using corporate bank cards, servicing trade and service enterprises
- Servicing corporate clients using remote banking channels and self-service devices
- Documentary operations and Trade finance for Corporates
- Salary project
- Servicing in the Government securities market
- Portal of State authority of the Republic of Uzbek...
- The single interactive state services portal
- Press service of the President of the Republic of ...
- The legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis of the Repu...
- Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of...
- Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan
- Single Portal of Corporate Information
- Information-Resource Center of Capital Market