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Leasing is a special type of rental relationship in which one party (lessor - Bank), on behalf of the other party (lessee), purchases property (leased object) required by the lease agreement from the third party (seller) and provides it to the lessee for a fee on the terms specified in such an agreement conditions of possession and use for a period exceeding 12 (twelve) months.

The object of leasing can be any things that are not consumed by the bank, including enterprises, property complexes, buildings, structures, equipment, vehicles, agricultural machinery, equipment for processing agricultural products and other movable and immovable property used for entrepreneurial activity, except for land plots and other natural objects, as well as property for which free circulation is prohibited by law or a special procedure for circulation is established.

Leasing services are provided only to customers who have basic demand deposit accounts with "ASIA ALLIANCE BANK", in addition, leasing services in Uzbekistan are provided to financially stable business entities with legal entity rights. Assessment of the financial condition of the lessee is carried out in accordance with the methodology established when lending to business entities.

Basic conditions:

  • Leasing term - depending on the payback period of the project;

  • Interest rate - set based on risks, sources of financing and other factors for the implementation of projects;

  • Leasing amount - is determined based on the needs of the event being credited.

  • Collateral - a pledge of liquid property satisfying the Bank (real estate, equipment, vehicles, cash) in the amount of at least 125% of the leasing amount.

List of documents for preliminary consideration of a leasing project:

  • Application for leasing;

  • Technical and economic indicators of the leased asset and information about its seller;

  • Constituent documents of the borrower;

  • Documents confirming the right of a person to sign a loan agreement on behalf of the borrower;

  • Business plan indicating the forecast of cash receipts to the borrower's bank account (cash flow);

  • The balance sheet (form No. 1) and the statement of financial performance (form No. 2) of the borrower for the last reporting period submitted to the relevant state tax inspectorate;

  • Acts of reconciliation of debts for a period of more than 90 days.

This list is not exhaustive for considering the issue of financing, and Bank employees may request other information and documents relating to the project under consideration.
Leasing agreement
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