Be informed that the following rates of foreign currencies to the national currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (soum) have been fixed since January 23, 2018
Currency |
Buying (soum) |
Selling (soum) |
1 USD |
8130,00 |
8175,00 |
1 EURO |
9840,00 |
10023,00 |
1 pound sterling |
11161,00 |
11368,00 |
1 Swiss frank |
8360,00 |
8516,00 |
1 Japanese yen |
73,00 |
74,00 |
1 Russian ruble |
138,00 |
149,00 |
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 1810