Notice number: 07
Name of Issuer: “Asia Alliance Bank” POJSCB.
Location: 87a, Shayhontahurskaya street, 100128, Tashkent city.
Name of important fact: Approching the date of closing the register.
Date of issuer’s decision on the date on which the list of securities owners to be notified about holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be prepared: 12.11.2009.
The list of securities owners to be notified about holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be prepared: on 14.11.2009 as of the end of operation day.
Corporate body which adopted a decision to prepare a list of shareholders to be notified about holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: Board of Directors of “Asia Alliance Bank” POJSCB.
Date of issuer’s decision on the date on which the list of securities owners for holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be prepared: 12.11.2009.
List of securities owners for holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders shall be prepared: as of the end of business day on 11.12.2009.
Corporate body which adopted a decision on preparation of the list of securities owners for holding the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders: Board of Directors of “Asia Alliance Bank” POJSCB.
- Author: не указано
- Source: не указано
- Views: 764