ASIA ALLIANCE BANK represents new deposits in national currency on more favorable terms:
term deposits:
"Istikbol" for a period of 25 months with the payment of 21% per annum;
"Dustlik" for a period of 15 months with the payment of 18% per annum;
"Yakhshilik" for a period of 13 months with an advance payment of 18% per annum;
as well as savings deposit:
Hamrokh for a period of 18 months with payment of 17% per annum.
Through the mobile application MyAlliance, you can also open the following online deposits:
term deposits:
"Istikbol - online" for a period of 25 months with the payment of 21% per annum;
"Dustlik - online" for a period of 15 months with payment of 19% per annum;
as well as savings deposit:
"Hamroh - online" for a period of 18 months with the payment of 17% per annum.
- Author: не указано
- Source: Press Centre JSCB «ASIA ALLIANCE BANK»
- Views: 836