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  • Update: 10 November 2023, 12:54

Mr. Farrux Suyunov

Head of Compliance Control Department

Born in 1982.

In 2008, he graduated from the Tashkent State University of Economics with a degree in Public Finance Management.

He began his career in 2007 as a manager of the Oktepa minibank of JSCB Hamkorbank.

From 2008 to 2014, he worked in the JSCB “Uzbek Industrial and Construction Bank” system. He worked in the Accounting and Reporting Department and Chorsu mini bank, in the position of First category specialist, Leading specialist, and Chief specialist.

In addition, from 2014 to 2023, he worked in the system of JSC KDB Bank Uzbekistan, as Chief account management specialist, Deputy Head and Head of the Conversion Operations Department of the Yunusabad branch, as Head of the Management of Customer Account Department, as Chief Accountant of the Yunusabad branch, as Deputy head of the Compliance Department control.

From November 2023, he was appointed to the position of Head of the Compliance Control Department of ASIA ALLIANCE BANK.


- General management of the Department’s activities and distribution of responsibilities;

- Regular monitoring the quality and timely performance of work by Department employees in accordance with their job responsibilities;

- Participation in the development of internal regulatory documents approved by the Bank, ensuring regular review of policies and procedures for combating money laundering and terrorist financing;

- Consulting Bank employees, temporary or seconded employees, as well as officials and employees of any service provider on issues within the competence of the Department;

- Preparation of relevant proposals for decision-making aimed at the effective organization of the Department activities and their presentation to the Management Board of the Bank;

- Monitoring the Bank’s compliance with applicable legal documents, the Compliance Policy, as well as Sanctions requirements.

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