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  • Update: 3 November 2023, 15:47

Mr. Ravshanjon Khodjaev

Head of Accounting and Reporting Department Chief accountant

Born in 1986.

In 2007 he graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute, majoring in banking.

He began his career in 2008 at Ozsanoatқurilishbank, a specialist in the second category of the Accounting and Reporting Division.

From 2008 to 2015, he worked in the system of Ozsanoatқurilishbank OJSCB as a first category specialist, leading specialist of the Accounting and Reporting Department, internal control officer, and deputy chief accountant.

Since March 2015, he held the position of Head of the Department of Internal Banking Operations of the Accounting and Reporting Department, Deputy Chief Accountant of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.

Since October 2019, he held the position of acting The head of the accounting and reporting department is the chief accountant of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.

Since December 2019, he was approved as the Head of the Accounting and Reporting Department - Chief Accountant of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “ASIA ALLIANCE BANK”.


- Correctness of accounting organization at the Bank and implementation of the Accounting Policy approved by the Bank Council.

- Audit of accounting and reporting organization, timely briefing of employees on accounting, control, reporting and economic analysis.

- Control over the accrual of taxes, their timely payment and reporting to the tax authorities.

- Fulfilling other functions in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

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